
SUN Protection Year Around

Sunglasses are a fashion statement and many consumers wear them for comfort and protection from UV radiation during Summer.

In places where temperature remains mild and the intensity of Sun is not high,there is a mis-conception that Sunglasses are not needed.

Light reflects from many areas in our daily life such as wet surface, water, grass, sand (beach desert), dry soil, thick and thin clouds. Every individual needs year round eye protection from Sunlight either direct or in-direct.

How often do you wear Sunglasses?

% value Description
46% Wear when its Sunny
27% Rarely
15% Never
12% Always

Sunglasses are a year-round necessity. Please contact your Eye care practitioner (ECP) for more support/If you need more info.

Digital Eye Strain

Most of us spend significant amounts of time on digital devices, including our computers at work and our smartphones throughout the day.

The convenience and enjoyment of these devices can be offset by eye discomfort, many of us experience.Long periods of uninterrupted use of computers, smartphones or tablets can cause eye strain and even pose danger to eye health through emission of blue light and accommodative stress.

Reduced blink rates is one of the important factors. We generally blink 1/3rd as often, when starting at the screen.Patients are advised to make a conscious effort to blink and use the "20 -20 -20 method, Every 20mins to look 20ft away for 20 secs.

*Long hours at a computer, smartphone and tablets can exacerbate dry eye symptoms.

*Many people working on computers for long hours are dehydrated, they are advised to drink plenty of fluids and to avoid caffeine or alcohol.

*Computers and other digital devices are visually demanding tasks, particularly when they are used for long periods of time. When device use increases, it can create a tipping point for a lot of otherwise undetected issues.

The range of patients effected is extensive and growing. We find children with binocular vision issues and above 40 patients exacerbating dry eye.

Please contact your Eye Care Practitioner for complete support / info.

Children and Over Use of Electronic Screens

After extensive interaction with parents and researching the effects of technology on Children, it was discovered in studies proving, that texting, gaming and spending hours in front of electronic devices can actually harm children.

“Digital electronic screen disease” otherwise called “Gameboy Disease” is caused by constant use of gadgets such as smartphones, tablets and gaming devices. The Symptoms of this disease could include poor posture, neck pain, back pain, headache and vision related problems.

Posture related problems caused due to extensive use of smartphones, tablets and other devices in the long run can harm physical development of the child.

Abstinence & Discipline is the best remedy.

Please contact your Eye care practitioner (ECP) for total support / info.